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"Sehen oder Fühlen,
die Landschaft.
Mehr innen als außen,
meine innere Landschaft"

Katja Ochoa Molano, 2022

Inner Landscapes

"Exploring and feeling
the landscape.
More inside than outside,
my inner landscape"

Katja Ochoa Molano, 2022

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Hello and welcome!
I'm a  contemporary landscape painter who loves nature and their colours. I create landscape paintings in oil and acryl on canvas, evoking a sense of place, silence, poetry, gratitude and a faraway land. It isn't a specific place, it's more something in between: you have the feeling to have been there and on the other side it´s something expressive, trying to convery the idea of landscape. I call it my 'inner landscape'. They are still happening throug memories of time,
place and emotions

Landschaftsmalerei - Stimmungsvolle Gemälde in Öl und Acryl - Ästhetische Wirkung 
Innere Landschaften - Erhabene Stille - Feinsinnige Poesie

Inner Landscapes

 © 2023 by Katja Ochoa Molano

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